Setting up your Email Action

Send Email by Rapidomize
  1. Once you test your Trigger data, you need to select an action app to use with the Trigger.

  2. To add this action app to your ICApp, click on the “add service” button.

    add service

  3. Select “Send Email” as your Action app from the list of ICApps.

  4. Select the “Action” by clicking on “Send Email by Rapidomize” icon.


  5. Senders Email address will automatically appear as and your Email address (as “on behalf of”) also appears in the Email for the identification and receipt of a reply.

  6. Provide the receiver Email addresses along with the message content, any attachments etc.


  7. Test your action by clicking on “test/get sample data?”.

  8. Save your ICApp by clicking on “Save ICApp”.

  9. You will get a card entry in “Intelligent Connected Apps page”.

  10. To activate the ICApp, turn ON the “Run” toggle slider.

  11. Click on “Status” icon on the card to see the status of your ICApp from the Dashboard.

  12. Once you activated your ICApp, it will run according to the specified schedule.

Last modified March 2, 2022